高 嶺
From Historical Consciousness and Personal Experience
---Prologue to the Opening of Huang Gang’s Solo Exhibition
Huang Gang, the leading role of this exhibition, is an artist born in a literary family. He has many years’ experience of collecting, and is very daring to practice. Enveloped in gray, brown and terracotta, these paintings give out a somewhat irresistible ritualistic power. They are independent while interactive, and together create the grand atmosphere of the exhibition hall. Old artifacts like Buddhist scriptures on printing forme, old cassocks, old leather suitcases and shuttles, and political symbols such as the badge of locomotives, masts and javelins…all of these elements are adopted by him, and become the basic material of his art creation. Either representing some religious power, or acting as the trace of human life or specific historical and political metaphor, they are combined with acryl and zapon lacquer on the paintings or in the space, and magically changed into new images that traverse the melancholy of history and politics and embrace the freedom in art world.
The images of Huang Gang’s works get rid of the barrenness and mystification of conceptualization and ideologism in the abstract art creation in recent years. He combines the abstract idea and spirit with material devices, shapes, colors and space, so that his artworks have reached a highness that spirit and material interacts thoroughly with each other. Although most of the images of his works are existed materials that generate from cultural or religious relics in ancient time or even political symbols in some specific period, they avoid depicting the symbolized social content and illustrative visual content. Undoubtedly, the way Huang Gang treats his objects is retrospective, but his vision is by no means rigid or isolated. His own life experience and art practice tells himself that true art should be the grand images existing in people’s inner world. It’s generated from some historical and realistic material imagery elements. An image has its shape and color while the grand image doesn’t. However, it doesn’t mean void when we talk about shapelessness and colorlessness. The grand image exists on the basis of shape and color.
Therefore, the scripture bearing the affection and skill of countless monks and craftsmen, the leather suitcases that recording the historical changes of nomadic people, and the badges that filled with the revolutionary enthusiasm of several generations, regenerate their original meaning. They talk to each other on the paintings and in the space, counterplay with their creator Huang Gang, and even involve the viewers. The value of Huang Gang's artwork lies in his way of representation. Based on his personal experience, he found a visualized way to link history and present, and present and future, making us see a new possibility of Chinese contemporary art. The contribution Huang Gang made to the art world is that he aroused the sealed memory of the viewers, and opened the door of the viewers' imagination. History, politics, religion and culture tradition ceaselessly encountered and compared with reality, waxed and waned reciprocally, and made the viewers hard to forget.
Gao Ling
October 19, 2008