Resinic Reality
Liu Chunfeng
Looking at Wu Mingzhong’s painting, viewers are stimulated and shocked by its dazzling colors, a concise and fashionable display that impacts the eye. The red that Wu Mingzhong uses exists as the core in the main characters depicted in his works. Color is given a special mission, extending the specifics of color into the existence of the artist's work. He pours the liquid into every object that he is interested in, so that these transparent and empty objects feel as if they have weight, becoming embodied vessels in the artist’s hands. The artist alone can determine what these vessels are to be filled with. These glasses, bottles and other bizarrely shaped glassware – visual celebrations teetering on vertigo – insistently require that you avoid “clumsy movements” and that you“handle with care”. There is such a latent power in Wu Mingzhong’s recent work that you feel a miraculous and captivating sense of fragility. Amazingly, the colours transcend the canvas and emit a vital visual flame. At once stimulating and stunning, it speaks to the spirit and, set against the background of the canvas, one is able to catch a glimpse of the artist's passionate reflections on contemporary society. He changed his style and began to use glass as an expressive tool in the series. Perhaps his methods are better suited to Platonic reflections on social reality, but once he began the series, there was no going back. Mingzhong became fascinated with glass - its transparency, luminosity and magnificence. His reflections, however, are more immediately concerned with the ingenious ways in which these characteristics can be translated onto canvas.
These figures and wine filled glasses, his vessels and bottles, either deep red or fluorescent pink, have become the visual – and extremely effective – mark of Wu’s questionings into social reality. Beyond polished beauty, a deeply entrenched and worrying message lies in plain sight: a warning or“caution”. Beneath the calm surface, anxiety is present, an underlying current constantly threatening to erupt. Wu Mingzhong’s voice resonates from within this work – one that emanates from the soul. The artist states that “The more beautiful a material is, the more fragile it is." It is the fragility of splendor. Materials these days are all about beauty, flash and power. People are in search of consumption, luxury and pleasure. They might as well be, but that search and an excessive dependence on material things robs humanity of their independence and their capacity for originality.
Material things will never solve the problem of man’s vulnerability. On the contrary, it will only serve to aggravate it. Man, originally a creature of flesh and blood, no longer exists. He is nothing more than a being made of glass and he does not belong: he is left with only the material contents of glassware and that which is refracted toward the exterior world. Glass and alcohol are two characteristics of our age. "I paint men made of glass to express the fragility inherent in contemporary reality," says the artist, "the fragility of the relationship between man and himself as well as with others and the environment.” After an extended period of research and observation, Wu Mingzhong finally found the material best adapted to the expression of his vision – glass. He tirelessly rendered its texture, integrated within the rest of his artistic ventures, explored it and sought out its multiple capabilities. He does so to a point where his cultural language and intellectual orientation seem to say: social reality is paradoxical in every respect. Overflowing with splendor, it is also fragile and dangerous, and nothing in the universe is beyond the reach of its entrapment. We are reminded of a dream and then we awake to realize that the reality in which we live is fragile, that the environment is fragile, that feelings, daily life, sincerity between individuals are all fragile.
We have made a transition from a society of political fragility to one that is mercantile and even more fragile still. The ultra-consumerism promoted by multinational capitalism is vertiginous and agonizing even as it disrupts and destroys. Confronted by reality, in politics as in life, artists can no longer allow themselves to remain dilletantes. Lyricism, likewise, is out of the question. The artist's only recourse is to attempt to escape the trap of paradox. But to flee (that is to say to distance oneself from) our monstrous and chaotic reality, that is easier said than done. Who can forget the “dead silence” that followed, twenty years ago, with the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger? Or the endless reflections on the nature of “vulnerability” that were triggered by the thick smoke of September 11th? Presently, the global rise in temperatures shows us once again, as if it were still necessary, to what degree the existence of the human species is fragile and the extent to which our environment is in a constant state of deterioration. The friend that sits at the negotiating table today may be the enemy who takes up arms against us tomorrow. In order to reap rewards, interest groups from powerful nations manage to perpetuate insurrection in Palestine, Israel and the Gulf: how often have the hopes of those whose goal is peace been torn to shreds as a result? Of course, Wu Mingzhong does not address these issues directly, but his visual iconography is a glaring confirmation of the vulnerability of individuals and of reality.
Whether or not the spectacle sets off a spark of desire or of yearning within the brain is of little importance. On the contrary: the point is to demonstrate how our lives gradually disappear beneath an accumulation of “pretty things”. They also cause us to recognise the fragility and ambiguity of such relationships - the slightest rupture. An incredible amount of prudence must be taken in our treatment of others, of their gender. Relationships must be contemplated with circumspection. Without a doubt, they are fragile and dangerous, the epitome of the universal constraints and vulnerabilities of the human species. An open challenge to the moral standards present in our daily lives. while it is curiously redundant and literary, still does not cause us to recoil. On the contrary, in contemporary art, imitation and the corruption of the classics constitute a means of re-addressing linguistic elements.
From the works of Wu Mingzhong, we see a direct and grand contemporary narrative forming. In series like Eat It, the character has become so well known that he no longer requires explanation. It highlights the complexity of society, the heterogeneous nature of our existence within that society and, as such, questions anew the ethical norms of an age that has become ever more vulgar and superficial. As for determinism in art history, the psychological and cultural suggestiveness present in his work situates him at the heart of the matter. Behind his dizzying images, it seems to hint at something more dangerous and poignant. Humanity would live in a state of perdition. The constant latent possibility of the destruction of the world is evoked, once again allowing Wu Mingzhong to charm us with his incessant search for perfection and his masterful sensitivity toward contemporary artistic form. In this world of glass, politics are combined in evermore ingenious ways. Wu Mingzhong faintly blurs the line between the interior and exterior universe. Perhaps, resin forms a unique language in the work of Wu Mingzhong, serving as a concept in his art, a node that links the inner world of Wu Mingzhong to the real world.