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With the rapid development of urbanization and globalization, China is witnessing a process of internationalization with a surprising speed. In this fast developing post-industrial age, we, surrounded by superfluous information and images, are becoming callous and fatigued which bemuses us and set us doubting the reality.
Thanks to our doubts, we have found a sensitive excitement prompting us to seek our inspirations in this fanaticizing consumption age.
Babies, as the symbol of the human purity, came to this world, simple and unadulterated. When put together with typically contemporary symbols in a certain fragment of a narration in a super-realistic way, they will possibly break through the existing notion of pattern of these symbols, creating a brand new meaning.
Moreover, I aims more at showing the loneliness,rebellion,absurdity and confidence of my generation, also known as the one-child generation
However, I would like to make clear that I did not mean to and are not able to create a new type of artistic form. Instead, I would just like to seek a way out for my doubts by means of patterns and transmit them in various channels.