

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 作者:王春辰 2009-07-01












  2009-4-14 于中央美術(shù)學(xué)院


  Opening the door for the Total Work of Art

  --About Shen Chaofang’s image work


  Wang Chunchen


  From a child, Shen Chaofang likes photography. His interest in photography became stronger even when he learned sculpture before college and specialized in costume design major in his college years.


  That was why he entered the Beijing Film Academy as a graduate student to learn the experimental image art. His experience of learning sculpture has also improved his practicing and thinking, which belong to the basic trainings for creating visual images. As he is moved by the mobile image art and inspired to create image works, he appreciates more meaning about sculpture from the visual culture angel and creates a series of sculptures reflecting the current cultural relations


  All these makes Shen Chaofang’s own artistic characteristics, which are as well as the characteristics of contemporary art. Nowadays artists are not classified by classification of art. What they pursuit is to be a total artist. The famous American artist Matthew Barney is just the artist who calls his own art the total work of art. He frames different kinds of art like sculpture, painting and performance art all in the image to show them in the form of film and picture. So the space of artistic imagination and representation is constructed beyond the reality. That what he shows conveys much more meaning than any single form of art does. In a matter of speaking, the total work of art has become a trend that more artists prefer to and try. Take the native artist Sui Jianguo for example, he started with sculpture and then extended to picture and image. The extension of artistic areas is for the artists also a new way to understand and construct the world. It’s a phenomenon in integration of the classified art.


  Shen Chaofang’s artistic practice has just gone on in this way. Due to the strict modeling training he has a pure, instinct and sensitive feeling for material, which contributes a lot to the wholeness and coordination of the total work of art. The work in single art form could only focus on perfection and independence itself, while the total work of art involves the relations within and without the lens and the creative context. The total work of art can neither be read by judging the single art form nor by static vision. The reader needs entering into the space constructed by the total work of art on the basis of the concept of time to be a part of the work. The construction of the space formed by the total work of art would serve no purpose without the participation of the reader, for the total work of art extends inwards as well as outwards. So time becomes the most basic dimension of the expression and experience of this kind of art. Readers examine their own experience in time, may integrate, may deviate, may clash or be helpless. It’s the basic purpose of the total work of art.


  As an example, Shen Chaofang’s work “Grains in ear” is a creation of experimental film. For which property, scene, model, atmosphere and effect are used but without the common film plot of narration and any visual mental association, while each of the elements is independent and forms the link of the total work of art together. So as mobile image art the work “Grains in ear” is trying to find an angel of expression between mistiness and incertitude. “Grains in ear” was just named after the date when it was shot. So it can be seen as time-recording and coordinate of the artistic performance, which implies a beginning concerning time. However, the work “Grains in ear” expresses still the feeling and experience about the new generation of artists themselves. It reflects the situation of current mobile image, which is the means whereby the artists work out to feel and realize the social lost atmosphere as well as the inner unease under the new historical context. The artist built a melodious and hopeless, confused and brilliant atmosphere in this work. Sentiment and loneness shroud the floating of the image and glass themselves in the limpid water. When the images transform into pictures, they turn into the solidification of time strengthening the incessant emotions and mirroring the floating of images. It’s so gorgeous, a ghostly glow-like, unknown but sweet. No matter its dynamic or static state, the work “Grain in ear” is trying to establish some way to communicate and lead the swaying body back to the home of human symbolization.


  As a young artist Shen Chaofang has the courage to try different kinds of medium and means in order to make his line of creation as well as his own artistic language clear and definite. Or it could be said that it is the common trend of contemporary artistic situation. In order to carve out the road of the development of art, Shen Chaofang hopes sincerely that this full display of his image works will draw responses and criticism. That is also the only road for reaching the artistic maturity. The total work of art will certainly develop in China with time. The artists need to practise more to indicate its breadth and depth. Shen Chaofang has begun to devote his care to it and will surely go on further.



  On April 14th, 2009

  At Central Academy of Fine Art


