

來源:99藝術網(wǎng)專稿 作者:大崔 2009-05-16


Date: 30-31st May 2009
Venue:The Orange in The Village at Sanlitun
Times: 11am- 8pm
Price: All works sold for under 10,000RMB


  第四屆“買得起藝術節(jié)-北京”將于09年5月30、31日在三里屯橙色大廳(The Orange)舉辦。買得起藝術節(jié)-北京”是由 Tom Pattinson 和 Tamsin Roberts 于2006年創(chuàng)辦,旨在給年青的藝術家提供一個展示自己的平臺,同時也給廣大藝術愛好者提供了一個機會購買屬于自己的獨特當代藝術作品。

   “在過去的四年,活動規(guī)模逐年壯大,這讓我驚嘆。”Tom Pattinson 說道,“無論人們是來購買藝術品還是僅僅來這里感受藝術氣氛,每年都有很多人參與我們精彩的活動,人數(shù)之多令我震驚。”由于持續(xù)擴大的活動規(guī)模,今年我們決定將活動地點轉(zhuǎn)移到三里屯。“能夠在市中心舉辦此活動,本身就是一件令人興奮的事情。優(yōu)越的位置將會使為活動帶來更多的觀眾。” Pattinson先生說。


   “買得起藝術節(jié)-北京”策展人譚仙女士(紅T藝術總裁)解釋:“所有的藝術品價格都在1萬元人民幣之內(nèi)(包括1萬元),有一些作品僅售幾百元。無論你的預算是多少,在這里你總能找到適合自己心理價位的作品。” “買得起藝術節(jié)-北京”不只是給人們提供一個機會來購買精美的藝術品。在往年的活動中,被資深的紅T藝術所選中很多特色的藝術家也隨之而出名,同時他們的作品價格也跟著上漲了起來。“‘買得起藝術節(jié)-北京’展示藝術市場的新作品,這對公眾來說是個不錯的機會。每年都會展出很多新的藝術家和新作品。由于本活動的獨特性、藝術品的低風險投資及它能給人們帶來的無限樂趣,這些都吸引著大量的人群參加。” 她這樣說道。



The fourth Affordable Art Beijing will be held in The Orange in The Village at Sanlitun, May 30-31st 2009. The AAB was founded in 2006 by Tom Pattinson and Tamsin Roberts to give art lovers the chance to buy their own unique work of contemporary art and to give young artists a platform to display their talents.

 “It has been amazing to see this event grow from strength to strength over the last four years,” says Tom Pattinson. “Each year we are surprised and impressed by the number of people that join in this wonderful event whether to buy art or simply to enjoy the atmosphere.” This year the continued expansion of the event has led it to move to the Sanlitun Village. “It is very exciting that we can move this event to the heart of the city, and reach a greater audience in an incredible location,” says Pattinson.

The event was created to allow everyone the chance to buy their own piece of contemporary art; something to hang on their wall or start their collection with. Affordable Art was a new concept in China in 2006 as the art market was closed off to many art lovers and limited only to wealthy investors and collectors. As the Chinese art market got hotter and prices rapidly increased this only made it harder for the majority of people to be able to afford works. 

 “All art works are sold for under 10,000RMB,” explains Tamsin Roberts, director of Red T Art and curator of AAB. “Some items are sold for just a few hundred RMB, meaning there is really something for everyone, no matter what your budget,” she says. Whilst AAB is an opportunity to allow people to buy some beautiful works of art, the skills of Red T have also meant that many of the featured artists in previous years’ AABs have gone on to become very successful artists whose works rapidly increases in value. “AAB is an opportunity to show the public what is currently up coming in the market, every year there are new artists show-cased and new works to see, it is a unique event and attractive to a wide variety of people for the low risk investment and enjoyment that it can provide,” she explains.

The show is also an excellent platform for young emerging artists to show their work and gauge feedback on their works. “We spend a lot of time visiting hundreds of young artists to find the best up and coming talent and Affordable Art Beijing is an incredibly opportunity for these artists to show and sell their works,” says Roberts.

Today, the demand for affordable art is stronger than ever as buyers want to ensure their money goes as far as possible. In these more challenging times AAB continues to support the art community, promoting new artists and encouraging the Beijing art scene to continue to thrive.
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