

來源:99藝術網(wǎng)專稿 作者:- 2009-11-02




王非  簡歷

1992 年任職于中國佛教文化研究所
1997 年擔任《中國當代藝術家叢書》主編
2000 年創(chuàng)辦《藝術狀態(tài)》雜志并任主編


2008年 王非作品展——第四回                            環(huán)鐵美術館,北京
2006年 王非作品展——第三回                              零度空間,北京
王非作品展——第二回                              杰孚畫廊,北京
        王非作品展——第一回                               F2畫廊,北京
1996年 王非作品展                                        藍色畫廊,北京
1993年 王非繪畫藝術展                                        中國美術館


2009年   領升•2009中國美術批評家提名展(北京)             北京當代藝術館
  轉向與關聯(lián)——09年中國水墨提名展                    環(huán)鐵美術館
2008年  國際能源中心藝術基金會•中國當代藝術提名展                 太原
         北京第三屆國際美術雙年展                       中國美術館,北京
         2007中國當代藝術文獻展                          墻美術館,北京
        中國水墨年度匯展                                環(huán)鐵美術館,北京
2007年  戒色——中國當代水墨藝術展                                 鄭州
        墨緣100•第二屆名家邀請展                            宋莊,北京
        環(huán)鐵時代•首屆現(xiàn)代藝術部落邀請展                環(huán)鐵藝術區(qū),北京
        中國宋莊水墨同盟交流展                                宋莊,北京
        厭戰(zhàn)中國                                            北京,1號地
        中國新書寫--油畫•水墨展                          三月畫廊,北京
        異質的水墨•中國當代水墨名家邀請展                         深圳
2005年 水墨精神第一展                                              北京
        魅力中國現(xiàn)代抽象水墨展                                      北京
        水墨精神第二展                                              北京
2004年 紙上玫瑰展                                                  北京
        88藝術文獻倉庫展                                   北京,費家村
       “江蘇畫刊”30周年中國畫名家百人展                          南京
2003年 莊園•水墨展                                                北京
    今日中國美術大展                                            北京
    名家水墨動態(tài)邀請展                                          北京
    名家秋季作品邀請展                                          北京
    2003“水墨狀態(tài)”學術邀請展                                  北京
   “江蘇畫刊”學術邀請展                                       北京
2002 年 當代中國書畫家作品邀請展                                    北京
    穿越時空四人展                                              北京



Wang Fei
Wang Fei was born in Anhui Province, China in 1964 and now a professional artist in Beijing.
1986  Graduates from the Fine Arts Dept. of Fuyang Teachers College
1990  Studies in Beijing Art Academy
2001  Studies in China Art Institute
Work experience
1992.  Works in the Research Institute of the Buddhism Culture of China
2000.  Starts and becomes the editor in chief of the magazine Art Status

Solo exhibitions
1996.  Exhibition of art works by Wang Fei (Beijing)
1993.  Exhibition of painting works by Wang Fei. (National Art Museum of China) 

2009  Lead Up -The Exhibition of the Chinese Fine Arts Critics’ Nominations
 2009(Beijing)——Museum of contemporary art beijing
2005  1st "Spirit of Ink and Brush " exhibition. (China Millennium Monument)
      "China Glamour" exhibition of modern abstract ink and brush painting.  (New York Art Space, Beijing)
      2nd "Spirit of Ink and Brush " exhibition. (China Millennium Monument)
2004.  "Rose on Paper" exhibition. (Beijing)
       "88 Artistic Documents Warehouse " exhibition. (Feijia Village, Beijing)
      Exhibition of traditional Chinese painting works by 100 noted painters in the honour of the 30th anniversary of Jiang Su Art Monthly. (Nanjing)
2003  "Manor" exhibition of ink and brush works. (Beijing Yan Huang Art Museum)
      Inviting Exhibition of contemporary works by noted artists. (Beijing Yan Huang Art Museum)
      1st inviting exhibition of Chinese flower-and-bird painting works. (Guangzhou)
      "China Today" grand exhibition of the fine arts. (China Millennium Monument)
      Inviting exhibition of ink and brush painting works by noted artists. (Beijing)
      Autumn inviting exhibition of works by noted artists. (Beijing)
     "2003 Status of Ink and Brush" academic inviting exhibition. (Beijing)
      Jiang Su Art Monthly Academic inviting exhibition. (Beijing)
2002.  Tour exhibition of experimental ink and brush art in China (Beijing)
      Inviting exhibition of art works by contemporary calligraphers and painters in China. (Beijing)
      "Spanning Time and Place "exhibition of art works by four artists. (Beijing Yan Huang Art Museum)

Works Collected by
 National Art Museum of China
 Nakagawa Museum of Chinese Art, Hiroshima, Japan    
 Osaka Museum of Contemporary Art, Osaka, Japan


