Loving Care-1
I got a text message from one of my little friends, saying they all care about me and I should take care of myself also and not to miss food. I was so touched by the message. My friend knows me very well and just now I missed lunch again for some trifles. Time just flies without your notice. I fell ill again because of too much work recently, and then it's endless medicine and injection taking. I almost coughed up my lung, and could not help with tears and a running nose. I got to eat, right now. Else I will miss a meal again. I used to have breakfast at 8, lunch around noon, and around 7pm I have my dinner. But now, when I wake up I would already miss breakfast time, and eat my lunch around dinner time. Now I started wondering how I could have survived all this time?
And now here comes another text from my little friend, asking if I have had lunch, as she saw a pat of oil color on my lip. Wow I didn’t know the colors had eaten me up. But there are two colors which are not edible, zinc white and yellow. And if you put fluorescent pink on worms, they kick the bucket right away.
Paint dries once being put on the canvas. Being exposed in the air, soon the toxicant in the paint wears away. Air detoxicates…
Now I’m going to talk about loving care. Loving care is short for love and care. And Caring love comes also from care and love. So what’s the difference between loving care and caring love? Can you imagine a love without care or a care without loving nature? All that counts is love.
The cough is here again. I’ll have to stop here today. But about love and care, my friends, I believe all of you have something to say. Please do share your thoughts. And we can have a good time talking over tea and music, or maybe a few strokes on the canvas, what do you think?
Well, cough again…