策展人:Berry liu(瑛子·美國)、 Jim(陳驥·中國)
參展藝術家:Jim(陳驥·中國)、Berry liu (瑛子·美國)、Daniel Hoh (美國)、Wang Xinman(王馨曼·中國)、張瓊飛(法國)、劉麗芬(瑞典)、夏華(挪威)
以VR的形式展示藝術是當下最燃的展覽方式?!?020-2021國際藝術VR聯(lián)展 》由跨界藝術家陳驥. Berry liu, Daniel Hoh , 和職業(yè)藝術家王馨曼,張瓊飛,F(xiàn)rancky Criquet, 劉麗芬, 夏華,緬甸藝術家們以及VR團隊合作,把他們的藝術作品帶到神秘而遼遠的寒極雪域“丙察察”展出。戴上你的 VR眼鏡或者手機橫向,打開屏幕,戴上耳機,開啟你的“VR 藝術之旅”,你可以輕易的超越疫情的疆域阻隔,跨越冰川,直至和藝術完全沒有距離…所以,你VR了嗎?
Jim (陳驥.中國)
Berry.liu (瑛子.美國)
Daniel Hoh (美國)
張瓊飛 (法國)
Francky Criquet (法國)
夏華 (挪威)
Tin Htay Aung (緬甸)
Kyaw Tint (緬甸)
Aung Myo Myat (緬甸)
Moe Nyo (緬甸)
Berry.liu (瑛子. 美國)
jim (陳驥. 中國)jimchencn@foxmail.com
特別鳴謝 劉綱@720yun.com - 丙察察全景作品支持
Foreword of Curator
just in the past year of 2020, in the endless "plague era" of social isolation, loneliness, anxiety, and harm to people's mental health and happiness, the global art world is unexpectedly pushed to the "cloud" due to the new epidemic situation that ravages the world - however through digital communication and high-tech technology, there is also a new era opened for art exhibitions in the epidemic situation .
VR is the most popular way to exhibit art. The cross-border artists Jim, Berry Liu, Daniel HOH, and professional artists Wang Xinman, Zhang Qiongfei, Francky Criquet, Liu Lifen, Xia Hua,Myanmar artists and the VR engineers will exhibit their art works The 2020-2021 International Art VR Joint Exhibition in the mysterious and remote snow-covered area Bing Chacha . Put on your VR glasses or turn on the landscape screen of your mobile phone, put on your headphones, and now you can start your “ VR art journey". In this trip, you can easily transcend the boundaries of the epidemic and cross the glacier, until there is no more distance between you and art. So, are you ready for VR?
Participating Artist:
Jim Chen (China)
Yingzi Berry.Liu (USA)
Daniel HOH (USA)
Zhang Qiongfei (France)
Francky Criquet (France)
Liu Lifen (Sweden)
Xia Hua (Norway)
Tin Htay Aung (Myanmar)
Kyaw Tint (Myanmar)
Aung Myo Myat (Myanmar)
Moe Nyo (Myanmar)
Berry.Liu (yingzi, USA)
Jim (Chen Ji, China) jimchencn@foxmail.com
With special thank to artist Liu Gang@720yun.com , who supports this exhibition with panorama of Bing Chacha.